What Post-Secondary Degree Means

October 30, 2021 |



post secondary degree

The word post refers to “after”, therefore in many common cases, a post-secondary degree refers to the learning or education one receives after secondary school education or after senior high education. The term post-secondary degree also means post-secondary education.

Post-secondary education is mostly referred to as college, university, or tertiary education after which a successful completion will lead to an award of a degree, diploma, higher-national diploma, or any other certificate classification above secondary or high school education.

In some countries, any recognized form of education after senior high or high school, in general, is referred to as post-secondary.

Importance of Post-Secondary Education

The educational system and curriculum in many but not all countries are structured in such a way that, an individual can progress in knowledge from a basic level to a more advanced level in order to help students or individuals gain a certain degree of understanding and skills (as in some cases).

Some of the importance of post-secondary education are:

  1. An opportunity to pursue a program of study to a more advanced level
  2. An opportunity to gain recognized certificates that confirms and testify to your knowledge and abilities
  3. An opportunity to even pursue a field of interest to the doctoral level after a successful post-secondary degree and master’s degree respectively.

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Contributor: py sosu


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